Magyar Iskola (Hungarian School)
Last week was my first week at Magyar Iskola (moh-dy-or ish-koh-loh)! In short, my teacher is friendly, the building is old, and I’m pretty happy with how the lessons are going. One on one, twice a week (on Monday and Thursday hétfõn és csütörtöken). I now have a list of the ~200 questions that might be asked of me during my citizenship interview. Feels a bit like having the, very long, keys to the cuffs.
However, stepping just out of the metro you are faced with this (still not castles):
Magyar Iskola is in Belváros (downtown), so it is a pretty fancy part of town. You know, if you fancy a $400AU umbrella…
I wanted to tell the owner of this cabin car that I set my AIR CON back home to 24ºC to COOL the room down.
Sunset, behind the middle of Budapest. They have a custom built modern skate park right behind where I was standing. There’s also a much more grimey skate park under a bridge down along the river.
This one is for the camera nerds. I started talking to this guy, because I was interested in his lens, but also just to practice talking to random strangers, ha.
Séta Erzsébetváros (Elizabethtown)
Walking around Erzsébetváros
the West End of Budapest
Budapest vegans get straight to the point
dirty car graffiti is the same all over the world
cafe library arranged by colour
backstreet murals
Wilde in Pest
Fausto always with me
going loopy for Fruit Loops
This shop sells and makes only brushes. That’s it. It has been in the same family for four generations. I asked them they were busy, “oh yes, very busy”. This is a photo of the current generation's owner’s grandfather (A nagyapja).
Jobb Időjárás
I will take more photos of buildings and the streets when the weather (időjárás) is more sunny, the last week has be a bit cloudy and ‘rainy’ (what they call rain we call spitting). I was asked if I needed an umbrella and I was most confused…